Nikwax is the global leader in safe, high performance waterproofing, cleaning and conditioning for technical outdoor gear. With over 40 years experience, Nikwax continues to push the technology of technical fabric treatment and care. First it was their groundbreaking development of water-based treatments you could use in your washing machine at home. As of recent years it's been their painstaking drive to make waterproof treatments as environmentally friendly as possible.
Nikwax is used by some of the worlds most technical brands in their manufacturing process and you can trust Nikwax to care for your most prized shell, down jacket, sleeping bag, tent, or any technical gear.
Mountain Equipment acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands our stores are located on as well as the trails we hike, the crags we climb and the places we adventure.
We pay our respect to the Elders, past, present & emerging.